

Footage taken from Bambos Fest 2017

Brutal Street Punk bastard squad from Cambridge, with a strong stance against fascism, racism and sexism while maintaining a healthy balance between anti-social nihilism and aggressive outrage – always a bangin’ performance that sets off the crowd.
Originated in 2003 and settled on current line-up since 2009.

More from Overload: overloadpunkoi.bandcamp.com

We can’t do this without you!!!
In these tough times, we know a lot of people have it hard, and we’re in the same boat!
Work in the film industry has come to a complete standstill, and we’re still working on many exciting projects for Lost Data Production including our forthcoming DVD/BluRay with G.B.H. which is on pre-sale now HERE

So we hate to ask, but we would appreciate your support, if you can, to help us through these tough times, and in return we’ll keep releasing videos from some of the best bands that have played in the UK in the last few years!

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